Local Growth
Almere Consulting work on residential development further afield but our commercial development work is predominantly focused on North East England. Both are likely to be impacted by last week’s referendum verdict and both will respond to any measures implemented by the UK Government over the coming weeks and months. Anecdotally…
How wide is Main Street?
I’m currently working on an estate masterplan with Farrells Architects and Place on Earth Landscape. Following attempts to cram ever more hard and soft landscaping in and around our “Main Street”, with width approaching 30 metres wide and building heights creeping up the comment arose “it’s not exactly beer & cricket”. This sums…
La Punaise (or Circle) Junction
A Punaise junction, loosely translated as a “Pinhead” junction or circle junction is something rare in the UK but very much a standard feature where quiet residential access streets meet in some other European countries. So how can we build them here cost effectively? In the UK perhaps the most…
Building Better Places
Last month the House of Lords National Policy for the Built Environment Committee issued it’s report “Building Better Places“. As well as calling for more to be done to increase the quantity of housing being delivered the committee also asserts that more attention to design at the beginning of the process…